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​Willa has drunk ---- pints of blood.

Powers: Second-sight Suction(2) Surprise Perception(1) Thrift(3) Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)

Partner-bound with SaintAmara.

Blood Bound to Anders.

Willa is sire to no other vampires, or any other type of creature. 

Her sire is Vex. 

Vex's sire is Taltos Oberon. 

And the master vampire is AdaMas.

Her name is Willa de Draak.  She's proud to be of Haus Schiaraffa.


MADS is where her family is.

City Information Continued

Willa has been in [3] conflicts where she's thrown a vial. 

She's only ever been zeroed by herself, and her family by UVG.

Willa is not a vampire, and is not immortal. Willa is a witch. (bewitched nose twitch here)

Willa has been practicing magic since she came to the City in 2015. 

There was once a time she was a student in ROR. [Republic of Ravenblack]

Willa has been partner-bound to Gallagher D'dary (for war), Raziah, and Orion (for love). 

Willa is a mother to two boys. 

General Information

Birthday: ​October 26th (no, you don't get the year)

Birth Place: Nashville, Tennessee. 

Zodiac: Scorpio 

Height: 5'0

Weight: get bent, Ricky Bobby

Eye Color: Baby Blue

Hair: A dark blue (or black, depending on her mood)

Tattoos: A collection, on her hands (fingers), on her arms, legs, even some on her booty, with a wyvern (tattooed by Tempany) on her front, directly under, and in the middle of her breasts. ​Wyvern scales on her left forearm. 

Piercings: ​septum, both of her nipples, and a bunch around the curve of her ears. 

Personal Information 

Hobbies: aerial silks&hoops, witchcraft, pranking people she loves, causing a ruckus, laughing. Painting, sketching, obsessing over her art. Swimming, shopping, putting on makeup. Photography. 

Instruments: piano, violin, the flute [this is a threat] 

Addictions: (past) cocaine, heroin (current) weed, cigarettes (any, but mostly Marlboro lights) 

Motivations: family, and sometimes, for the lols, FAFO [fuck around find out]

Relationships: Forever twin flames with Amara, Bound to Anders (7/4/2024), dating Lorenzo 

Homes: Wyvernhall, the Angelarium, Lorenzo's property, and her own cottage house charmed to only be found by people with expressed permission. 4th floor, The Witch's Cove, The Ritz. 

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